Monday, January 11, 2010

Potty Trainning

Peek-a-boo, Welcome to 2010! On New Years day off came the diapers, on came the big boy underwear! Ryder was so excited about his new underwear he spent 20 min deciding which pair to put on. "thomas underwear?, no, Buz underwear? No, woody underwear? no, we wear spiderman underwear!"
Once the big boy underwear went on and we were stuck at home for days on end it was time to rearrange the bedroom and make room for all those christmas presents. Bye, bye changing table, hello new library. Ryder has a bit of an obession with the library at school so we made one at home. A fort/library. Mostly it is where all of the animals and books are sleeping.

By day two, after you have run out of paint, glue, paper, plato and rearranged the room. We thought we would take our very first piggy back ride on mommy. 35lbs on a ten min piggy back ride will really cause you some pain.
By day three, when they really get it and will be totally done with diapers, the throw ups and ear infection set in BIG TIME! Trying to potty train in between throwing up and crying from the ear pain we decided to end the potty training for now. You only have so many towels and waterproof items you can use in weekend.
We are back into pull ups for now and will try again another time. At least we got the house organized!

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How old is Ryder?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

3 1/2 years old!

3 1/2 years old!
Weight at 31 months: 36 lbs, 38